Category Archives: Midstreeters’ diary

A Walk Down Memory Lane in South Nutfield

Today, Sunday, October 23rd, I set out on a special walk in South Nutfield, hoping to meet some old friends. Before the walk, I  went to Christchurch on Bible Sunday, and had a friendly Christ Church welcome.

I’d written to a few people beforehand, and two joined me – two faces I hadn’t seen since the 1970s! We didn’t even recognise each other at first! Then, we headed up near the priory. Looking down on the village below, we chatted, filling each other in on all the years that had passed.

They now attend Tollgate Evangelical Church, and I attend Trinity URC / Methodist Church in Abingdon.

Meeting Ken and Angela again

Ken leading walk
Ken, from Christ Central in Redhill, organised a walk for their church members. But word got around, and a couple of us former South Nutfield Free Church folks couldn’t resist joining in!

We started the day with a service at Christ Central, where Ken and Angela welcomed us.

The walk itself was interesting. Ken put so much effort into it, even clearing brambles and getting permission from landowners.

Ken leads walk
After enjoying the fresh air and scenery, we returned to Ken and Angela’s bungalow for a spread of sandwiches and cakes prepared by Angela. We sat outside in the sunshine, catching up on old times and what we are doing now. It was a reminder of what a special couple Ken and Angela are – true examples of Christian faith, kindness and hospitality.

Centenary Celebrations

This was a scene at the Sunday morning service in the Free Church, Mid Street, South Nutfield, drawn by artist Mike Young in May 1985. Mike is a member of the church, and an art teacher living in Redhill.

As part of the centenary, people came to a special exhibition of the work of the church over the last 100 years. We are looking forward to what God will do in the future, as well as rejoicing in what he is doing today and has done in days gone by. Jesus is the same. Jesus is alive.

Goodbye Chris and Phil

Phil and Chris Stone moved back to Streatham after six years with the church. They first joined us when a group of young people came down from Streatham, and feel God is calling them to go back. They came with one child and leave with three, an have been a great blessing to Nutfield in their time here.

The Promise of the Father

Over 200 people in Nutfield and Caterham enjoyed a new musical/drama/dance called ‘The Promise of the Father’. Phil Stone created the outline for the production, and Angela, Mike and Isobel completed the production which was performed by friends from Nutfield and Caterham-on-the-hill. The musical tells about the Holy Spirit coming down at Whitsun

Family Services

First of the new simple family services this morning, lasting for just half an hour. The informal time was planned for both parents and children. This is a time of change and we are letting go some activities such as Jucos for which there are no longer leaders, and taking on more family oriented activities.